Ie in different languages

Ie in Different Languages

Discover 'Ie' in 134 Languages: Dive into Translations, Hear Pronunciations, and Uncover Cultural Insights.

Updated on March 6, 2024

The word 'ie' is a small but powerful part of many languages, often used as a conjunction to mean 'that is' or 'in other words'. Its significance lies in its ability to clarify and connect ideas, making it a crucial component in communication. The word has a rich cultural importance, appearing in various forms across different languages and regions. For example, in Spanish, 'ie' can be translated to 'es', while in German, it becomes 'das ist'.

Understanding the translation of 'ie' in different languages can be fascinating for language enthusiasts and travelers alike. Not only does it provide insight into the linguistic nuances of a culture, but it also equips you with the tools to communicate more effectively. Imagine being able to seamlessly switch between languages, using 'ie' to express your thoughts with precision and clarity. It's a small change that can make a big difference.

So, without further ado, let's explore the many translations of 'ie' in different languages. From Spanish to German, French to Italian, this list has got you covered.


Ie in Sub-Saharan African Languages

The Afrikaans word "dws" can mean "that is" (a synonym of "dit" or "dis") or to indicate that a statement is a consequence of the preceding one.
In Amharic, ማለትም means “that is to say, or namely,” and it is also an abbreviation for the phrase “ምክንያቱም ማለትም,” which means “that is the reason.”
In Hausa, "watau" is a word also used for "an area with many anthills". In Jukun Takum, it means "to burn".
The word "ntụgharị" can also mean "translation" or the "act of translating" in Igbo.
Malagasyizany hoe
The Malagasy word "ie" is also the Malagasy equivalent of the Indonesian word "iya" which also means "yes."
Nyanja (Chichewa)ie
The word "ie" in Nyanja (Chichewa) is also used as a question particle.
The word "kureva" can also refer to a type of dance or a traditional healer.
In the Northern Somali dialect, 'yacni' ('ie') can also be used to emphasize adjectives and adverbs or to express 'namely'.
Sesothoke hore
The word "ke hore" in Sesotho can also mean "that I am" or "that I may" depending on the context.
The word "yaani" in Swahili, also means "as if" or "that is."
The term originates from the Afrikaans “ek weet”, which means “I know” in English.
In Yoruba, ie is also a possessive pronoun and can mean 'his or hers'.
The word "ie" is used to mean "yes" or "indeed" in Zulu. It can also be used as a response to a question or a statement to indicate agreement or understanding.
Bambarao kɔrɔ ye ko
Kinyarwandani ukuvuga
Lingalaelingi koloba
Lugandakwe kugamba
Sepedike gore
Twi (Akan)kyerɛ sɛ

Ie in North African & Middle Eastern Languages

Arabicبمعنى آخر
The Arabic phrase "بمعنى آخر" can also be used to mean "in other words" or "that is to say".
The Hebrew word "כְּלוֹמַר" can also mean "that is to say" or "in other words".
The Pashto word "يعني" ("ie") also means "that is" or "namely" in English.
Arabicبمعنى آخر
The Arabic phrase "بمعنى آخر" can also be used to mean "in other words" or "that is to say".

Ie in Western European Languages

The Albanian word "dmth" (ie) is an acronym for "do, mi, thi" (1, 2, 3) and is also used to represent the first three letters of the alphabet.
The word 'alegia' can also be used to refer to an 'unfair advantage'.
Catalanés a dir
The Catalan expression "és a dir" comes from Latin and can mean "that is to say" or "in other words."
When followed by another consonant, "tj" can represent a voiceless palatal stop, as in "tjuti" (quiet).
It can mean "that is" in Latin, or "namely" or "that is to say" in English.
D.w.z. is an abbreviation for 'dat wil zeggen', which means 'that is to say' or 'in other words'.
The word "ie" is often used as an abbreviation for "id est," a Latin phrase meaning "that is."
Frenchc'est à dire
C'est à dire or ie also means **that is to say** and **in other words** in French.
In Frisian ie (ie) is sometimes used in compound words to connect two nouns, for example in 'hûsrie', in which it means 'of the house' (similar to 'of the' in English, but without the space)
Galiciané dicir
In Galician, "é dicir" or "ie" can also mean "that is" or "namely".
German "dh" (ie) is derived from the "d" and "h" of medieval "ie" (long i), and occasionally represents the "i" sound in Latin loanwords.
The Icelandic letter "þ" is pronounced similarly to the "th" in English, but it is not cognate with that letter. Instead, it derives from the Old Norse letter "þorn", which was used to represent a voiceless dental fricative.
The Irish word "ie" can also be used as a possessive pronoun or as a conditional particle.
"Ciòe" is a contraction of the Latin phrase "hoc est," meaning "this is."
The Luxembourgish "dh" is derived from the Middle High German consonant "þ" (thorn) and in some cases from the Proto-Indo-European consonant cluster "dh".
The word "jiġifieri" is used as a conjunction to introduce a restatement or clarification of a preceding statement, and is cognate with the Italian word "cioè" and the French word "c'est-à-dire".
In addition to meaning "ie," "dvs" can mean "namely" or "that is." This is because it derives from the Latin phrase "id est," meaning "that is."
Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil)ie
The acronym "ie" can also mean "Id Est" which means "That is" in English.
Scots Gaelicie
The word "ie" in Scots Gaelic is the vocative particle, meaning "o" or "oh".
Spanishes decir
The Spanish phrase "es decir" (ie) also means "that is to say" or "in other words."
Dvs. is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase "id est" or the German "das ist," both of which mean "that is."
In Welsh, "h.y." is an abbreviation of the word "hyfryd," meaning "beautiful" or "pleasant."

Ie in Eastern European Languages

"р.зн." is the short for "роман Зайцев."
The word “tj” also means “so that”
Тъй като т.е. е съкращение от латинското "id est" (превод: това е), то може да се замени и с други изрази като "а именно", "стойностно казано" или "с други думи".
The 'tj' sound in Czech can be represented by the letters 'ť' and 'ď', each of which can have multiple pronunciations.
The word "st" can also mean "street" in Estonian.
The eli (ie) can also be used to indicate a female singer, or to make verbs less formal.
"Azaz" is the shortened and colloquial version of "azazeg." Both expressions are synonyms of the words "this" in English.
The word "ti" in Latvian can also mean "you" in the informal plural form.
"T.y" in Lithuanian can also mean "that is" or "namely" in English.
The abbreviation 'т.е.' is commonly used in Macedonian to denote 'this is', 'that is' in English.
Polishto znaczy
«To znaczy» in Polish is a short form of «to jest», i.e. «this is» in English, and is often used in colloquial language or in informal texts and messages.
The Romanian word "adică" can also mean "namely" or "in other words".
The abbreviation "т.е." in Russian is also an abbreviation of the phrase "такой экземпляр" meaning "that copy".
The letter "тј" (Cyrillic "ie") is sometimes used in Serbian to represent the sound of the Latin letter "j".
Although "tj" is pronounced "ie" in Slovak, its spelling derives from the Czech "tě" instead of "ti."
The word "tj" in Slovenian is the equivalent of the letters "ie" in English, as in the word "tie".
The Ukrainian term "тобто" derives from the Greek conjunction 'τοιουτóστι', meaning 'that is'.

Ie in South Asian Languages

In mathematical terms, অর্থাত্ (ie) is used to denote an implication, representing "if and only if."
Gujaratiએટલે કે
The Gujarati word "એટલે કે" (ie) is an abbreviation derived from its Sanskrit origin "अर्थात की" (arthāt kī) and can also imply "viz., namely, in other words, or that is to say" in English.
The Sanskrit word अर्थात (arthāt) is often used in Hindi to indicate "for example" or "that is to say".
The Kannada word "ಅಂದರೆ" (ie) has an alternate meaning in English of "that is to say."
The word "അതായത്" can also mean "that is to say" or "in other words".
In Sanskrit, "म्हणजे" means "to express something" and is used to introduce an explanation or paraphrase.
The Nepali word "ie" can also mean "ie" in English.
The Punjabi word "ਭਾਵ" (ie) also means sentiment, emotion, idea, or concept.
Sinhala (Sinhalese)එනම්
The word "එනම්" is derived from the Sanskrit word "एवम्" (evam), which means "thus" or "in this way"}
The Tamil word 'அதாவது' is also used to introduce an example, illustration, or amplification of a previous statement.
In Old Telugu, "అనగా" meant "this is to say" and "as follows".
The word "یعنی" also means "what is to say" or "that is" in Urdu.

Ie in East Asian Languages

Chinese (Simplified)
In addition to meaning "ie", 即 can also mean "promptly" or "immediately".
Chinese (Traditional)
即, pronounced 'jí' in Mandarin, means 'immediately' or 'namely' but can also refer to 'that is' or 'such as'.
The word すなわち can be written as すなはち in kanji and is also used in the meaning of “that is to say”, “in other words” or “namely”.
The Korean word "즉" (ie) is often translated as "that is" in English, but can also mean "in other words", "namely", or "that is to say" depending on the context.
Mongolianөөрөөр хэлбэл
The word "өөрөөр хэлбэл" can also mean "namely" or "in other words" in Mongolian.
Myanmar (Burmese)ဆိုလိုသည်မှာ
The term “ie” is a shortened form of the Latin phrase “id est,” which means “that is.”

Ie in South East Asian Languages

The Indonesian word "yaitu" has its roots in the Old Malay word "iya", meaning "that" or "which".
The word 'yaiku' ('ie') in Javanese can also mean 'that is', 'namely', or 'to wit'.
The word "ពោលគឺ" is derived from the Sanskrit word "yadi" meaning "if" or "in case".
The word "ie" can also be used as an interjection to express surprise or disbelief.
"Ia itu" is also used in Malay as conjunction expressing cause, result, or reason.
The word "กล่าวคือ" in Thai means “that is to say” and can be used to indicate an example or a clarification.
Vietnamesei e
The Vietnamese language contains 23 final vowels, and the most common of which that contains "ie" is "iê".
Filipino (Tagalog)ibig sabihin

Ie in Central Asian Languages

'Yeni' means 'new' in Azerbaijani, but it also refers to the 'small form' in grammar, which is used to create diminutive forms of nouns.
The word "яғни" in Kazakh language is derived from the Persian word "یعنی" and has the alternate meaning of "that is" or "in other words".
Б. а. is a letter in the Kyrgyz alphabet that represents the sounds /ɪ/ and /e/.
"Яъне" is the Tajiki form of the Persian word "يعني" (yani), meaning "namely, that is to say". In Tajik, it can also be used as a conjunction to introduce a quotation or to emphasize a particular point.
The Uzbek word "ya'ni" can also mean "namely" or "that is to say," serving as a conjunction to introduce an explanation or clarification.

Ie in Pacific Languages

In Hawaiian, 'ie' may also mean
Arā can also mean `day` or `time` in a more general sense.
The word "ie" in Samoan means "to cut" and is often used in the context of cutting vegetation or trimming hedges.
Tagalog (Filipino)ibig sabihin
In Tagalog, "ibig sabihin" also translates to "meaning." It is sometimes used to introduce the meaning of an acronym or abbreviation, similar to the English term "i.e."

Ie in American Indigenous Languages

Aymaramä arunxa

Ie in International Languages

"T.e." is the abbreviation of "tio", a prefix used in Esperanto to create relative adjectives from nouns or roots.
Latinid est
In Latin, 'id est' can mean 'that is' or 'he/she/it is.'

Ie in Others Languages

"δηλ" is an abbreviation of the Greek word δηλαδή, meaning "that is," or "in other words."
The Hmong word "ie" is related to the Thai word "ii" and the Vietnamese word "hiệp", all of which mean "to join" or "to combine".
The word "ango" in Kurdish can also mean "that" or "over there".
'Yani' comes from the Arabic word 'yani', which means 'namely' or 'that is to say'.
The term originates from the Afrikaans “ek weet”, which means “I know” in English.
In Yiddish, the word "ד"ה" ("ie") is also used to introduce a direct quotation.
The word "ie" is used to mean "yes" or "indeed" in Zulu. It can also be used as a response to a question or a statement to indicate agreement or understanding.
Aymaramä arunxa
Bhojpuriयानी कि
Filipino (Tagalog)ibig sabihin
Ilocanokayatna a sawen
Kurdish (Sorani)واتە
Meiteilon (Manipuri)ꯍꯥꯌꯕꯗꯤ ꯑꯦꯟ
Mizotih chu a ni
Odia (Oriya)ଅର୍ଥାତ୍
Tigrinyaማለት እዩ።

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