African-American in different languages

African-American in Different Languages

Discover 'African-American' in 134 Languages: Dive into Translations, Hear Pronunciations, and Uncover Cultural Insights.

Updated on March 6, 2024

The term 'African-American' is a powerful and significant one, representing a rich cultural heritage that has significantly contributed to the fabric of American society. It is often used to describe individuals who are descendants of African slaves in the United States, and it encompasses a diverse range of ethnic groups and cultures. The term not only acknowledges the shared history and experiences of these communities but also celebrates their resilience, strength, and achievements.

Understanding the translation of 'African-American' in different languages can provide valuable insights into how other cultures view and understand this important aspect of American identity. For example, in Spanish, 'African-American' is translated as 'afroamericano,' while in French, it is 'afro-américain.' These translations not only reflect linguistic differences but also cultural nuances and historical contexts.

By exploring the translations of 'African-American' in various languages, we can deepen our appreciation for the diversity and complexity of human experiences and identities. Below, you will find a list of translations of 'African-American' in different languages, providing a small glimpse into the rich tapestry of cultural identities that make up our global community.


African-American in Sub-Saharan African Languages

Hausaba'amurke ba'amurke
The word "Ba'amurke Ba'amurke" is derived from the Hausa words "Ba'a" (black) and "Amurke" (America), and it refers to African Americans in Nigeria.
The name 'Afrika-Amerika' can also mean 'one who fights for the advancement of black people' in Igbo.
The Malagasy term "Afrikana-Amerikana" is derived from the English phrase "African-American" and refers to people of African descent who are citizens or residents of the United States.
Nyanja (Chichewa)african-american
The term "African-American" is not directly translated into Nyanja (Chichewa) as it refers to a specific socio-cultural identity in the United States.
Somaliafrikaan mareykan ah
The term "Afrikaan Mareykan ah" is a more formal or respectful way of saying "Black person" in Somali and is not typically used by the younger generation.
In Swahili, Mwafrika-Mmarekani can also refer to a person specifically from the United States.
The Xhosa word "Wase-Afrika-waseMelika" can also refer to people of African descent who were born in the Americas.
"Afrika-Amẹrika" (African-American) in the Yoruba language refers to a person of indigenous subSaharan African ancestry who identifies as American.
The term "I-African-American" is a Zulu phrase that literally means "of the African people".
Bambarafarafinna-amerika ye
Lingalamoto ya afrika-américain
Twi (Akan)afrikani-amerikani

African-American in North African & Middle Eastern Languages

Arabicالافارقه الامريكان
"الافارقه الامريكان"، مصطلح أثني يستخدم لتحديد الأشخاص ذوي الأصول الأفريقية الذين يعيشون في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
Hebrewאפריקאי אמריקאי
המילה אפריקאי אמריקאי בדרך כלל מתורגמת ל'אפריקאי-אמריקאי', אבל זהו תרגום שגוי.
Pashtoافریقای الاصله امریکایي
Arabicالافارقه الامريكان
"الافارقه الامريكان"، مصطلح أثني يستخدم لتحديد الأشخاص ذوي الأصول الأفريقية الذين يعيشون في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

African-American in Western European Languages

Riječ 'Afroamerikanac' može se u hrvatskom jeziku odnositi i na afričku ili afroameričku kulturu i umjetnost.
Danishafro amerikaner
Afroamerikaner er en betegnelse for personer fra forskellige afrikanske befolkningsgrupper, der er bosatte i USA.
In Dutch, "Afro-Amerikaans" also refers to people of African descent in the Netherlands, regardless of their nationality or citizenship.
African-American is a term adopted in the late 1980s by a consensus of Black American leaders to replace the term "Black".
En français, « Afro-américain » peut aussi désigner des personnes originaires d’Afrique subsaharienne.
Frisianafrikaansk amerikaansk
Etymology: In 1988, the term 'Afrikaansk' was introduced to Frisian as a way to refer to people who live in Africa. The term has since been used more broadly to refer to people of African origin, regardless of whether they live in Afrika or not.
The term "Afroamerikaner" is the more formal German equivalent of "African-American" and is typically abbreviated as "Afro-Amerikaner".
Afríku-Ameríkana is the Icelandic term for 'African-American', but may also refer to people of African ancestry in general.
Afracach-Mheiriceánach is also used to refer to people of African descent who are not American.
In Italian, "Afroamericano" can refer to an African American male specifically.
Det amerikanske uttrykket afroamerikaner, som tilsvarer 'svart' i norsk dagligtale, oppsto på 1980-tallet som et forsøk på å erstatte uttrykket 'neger'.
Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil)afro-americano
No português brasileiro, o termo "afro-americano" é utilizado para designar pessoas negras ou de ascendência africana, enquanto em Portugal não é comum seu uso, sendo mais frequente a expressão "negro" ou "pessoa negra".
Scots Gaelicafraganach-ameireaganach
The term "Afraganach-Ameireaganach" can also refer to people of African descent who live in the Americas.
The term "Afroamericano" is used in Spanish to refer to people of African descent, but it can also be used more broadly to refer to anyone from the African continent or its diaspora.
"Afroamerikansk" literally means "from Africa and America" in Swedish, but it is also used to refer to people of African descent, similar to the term "African-American" in English.

African-American in Eastern European Languages

Riječi "Afroamerikanac" i "Afrikanac" imaju različita značenja u bosanskom jeziku.
Афроамериканец изполна с произходит от афроамериканците в США и са никакви слове.
Slovo "Afroameričan" má svůj původ v americké angličtině a je ekvivalentem českého výrazu "černošský".
In Estonian, the word "Afro-Ameerika" can also refer to a person of African descent who is a citizen of the United States.
Afrikkalais-amerikkalainen on lainattu englannin kielestä, missä se viittaa Yhdysvaltojen mustaihoiseen väestöön.
Magyarul az afrikai-amerikai kifejezésre az afroamerikai mellett használatos a feketék és a néger szavak is.
Etimoloģiski vārds „afroamerikānis” saistīts ar Amerikas Savienotajām Valstīm, jo sākotnēji tā apzīmēja Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs dzīvojošos afrikāņus.
The term "Afroamerikietis" is also used to refer to people of African descent living in Lithuania, regardless of their nationality.
Afroamerykanin can also refer to a person of African descent who is not an American citizen or resident.
The term "Afro-americană" (African-American) in Romanian has a broader meaning than in English, referring to black people in general, regardless of their nationality or origin.
Слово Афроамериканец может также относиться к гражданам африканского происхождения в Канаде и Латинской Америке.
The Serbian word "Афроамериканац" (African-American) is a calque of the English phrase, which can also refer to a person of African descent who has recently immigrated to the United States.
Slovakafrický američan
V slovenčine výraz „Africký Američan“ zvyčajne označuje osobu tmavej pleti žijúcu v Spojených štátoch amerických.
Slovenianafriško ameriški
Beseda "Afriško ameriški" v slovenščini pomeni ameriškega državljana afriškega porekla.
The word “Афроамериканця” (African-American) is the Ukrainian translation of the English term “African-American” and has no additional meanings or etymological roots in Ukrainian.

African-American in South Asian Languages

Bengaliআফ্রিকান আমেরিকান
আফ্রিকান আমেরিকান শব্দটি ১৯৮০ এর দশকে আফ্রিকান-মার্কিনদের জন্য একটি শ্রদ্ধেয় পদ হিসাবে উঠে আসে।
Hindiअफ्रीकी अमेरिकी
1980 के दशक में, 'अफ्रीकी अमेरिकी' शब्द का इस्तेमाल अमेरिका की संघीय सरकार द्वारा काले अमेरिकियों का उल्लेख करने के लिए आधिकारिक तौर पर अपनाया गया था।
Kannadaಆಫ್ರಿಕನ್ ಅಮೆರಿಕನ್
Malayalamആഫ്രിക്കൻ അമേരിക്കൻ
Nepaliअफ्रिकन अमेरिकन
Sinhala (Sinhalese)අප්රිකානු ඇමරිකානු
Tamilஆப்பிரிக்க இனம் சேர்ந்த அமெரிக்கர்
ஆர்பிக்க உல்லேன எந்த அர்பிக்க இடௌஸ்ப வெண்கள் அறுதுவவா பொறற்ற உரவு ஏதில்ல செயர்டைன்னு ஆர்ஸீக்கலைய்.
Teluguఆఫ్రికాకు చెందిన అమెరికా జాతీయుడు
Urduافریقی امریکی

African-American in East Asian Languages

Chinese (Simplified)非裔美国人
Chinese (Traditional)非裔美國人
アフリカ系アメリカ人という用語は、アメリカで生まれた黒人人口を指すために使用される一般的な用語です。この用語は 1980 年代に「黒人」に代わるより政治的に正しい用語として導入されました。
Korean아프리카 계 미국인
아프리카계 미국인은 미국의 흑인의 자칭으로, 1980년대에 등장한 용어지만 현재는 흑인을 지칭하는 가장 보편적인 용어이다.
Mongolianафрик гаралтай америк
In Mongolian, "Африк гаралтай Америк" also refers to African people who immigrated to the United States.
Myanmar (Burmese)အာဖရိကန်အမေရိကန်

African-American in South East Asian Languages

Indonesianamerika afrika
"Amerika Afrika" is also used to refer to people of African descent who are citizens of the United States, but have not necessarily immigrated from Africa.
In Javanese, "Afrika-Amerika" is translated literally as "African-America" and has no alternative meaning.
Laoອາຟຣິກາ - ອາເມລິກາ
Di dalam bahasa Melayu, istilah "Afrika-Amerika" dapat digunakan sebagai terjemahan untuk istilah "orang Afrika-Amerika" dari bahasa Inggris.
"แอฟริกันอเมริกัน" ยังเป็นที่รู้จักในชื่อ "Black" หรือ "Negro" ในอดีต
Vietnamesengười mỹ gốc phi
Trong tiếng Việt, thuật ngữ "Người Mỹ gốc Phi" thường được dùng để chỉ những người da màu nói tiếng Anh nhưng lại có nguồn gốc từ châu Phi.
Filipino (Tagalog)african-american

African-American in Central Asian Languages

Afroamerikalı sözcüğü Türkçede 'Afrikalı Amerikan' anlamına gelen bir sözcük olup, İngilizce 'African-American' sözcüğünün karşılığı olarak kullanılmaktadır.
Tajikафриқои амрико

African-American in Pacific Languages

ʻAmelika-ʻAmelika is also used to refer to people of African descent in other parts of the world, including the Caribbean and Africa.
Maori does not have a direct translation for 'African-American'.
"Aferika-Amerika" can refer both to a person of mixed African and American descent and all people of dark skin, regardless of origin.
Tagalog (Filipino)african-american

African-American in American Indigenous Languages

Aymaraafroamericano ukat juk’ampinaka

African-American in International Languages

Latinafrican american
The Latin equivalent of "African American" is "afer Americanus," which can also mean "continental American" or "Moorish."

African-American in Others Languages

Ο όρος «Αφροαμερικανός» στην Ελληνική γλώσσα έχει πρόσθετες συνδηλώσεις που αφορούν τη διασπορά των Αφροαμερικανών στην Ελλάδα και την ευρύτερη Ευρώπη.
Hmongneeg asmeskas-asmeskas
Neeg Asmeskas-Asmeskas literally translates to 'black people from America' in Hmong.
Turkishafrikan amerikan
Afrikan Amerikan (Aframerikalılar), ABD'de siyahi Amerikalıları tanımlamak için kullanılan bir terimdir.
The Xhosa word "Wase-Afrika-waseMelika" can also refer to people of African descent who were born in the Americas.
"אפריקאנער-אמעריקאנער" (African-American) is also sometimes used in Yiddish to refer to a person of African descent, regardless of their nationality.
The term "I-African-American" is a Zulu phrase that literally means "of the African people".
Aymaraafroamericano ukat juk’ampinaka
Bhojpuriअफ्रीकी-अमेरिकी के ह
Dhivehiއެފްރިކަން-އެމެރިކަން މީހެކެވެ
Filipino (Tagalog)african-american
Kurdish (Sorani)ئه‌مه‌ریكی ئه‌فریقیایی
Meiteilon (Manipuri)ꯑꯐ꯭ꯔꯤꯀꯥ-ꯑꯥꯃꯦꯔꯤꯀꯥꯟ꯫
Mizoafrican-american mi a ni
Odia (Oriya)ଆଫ୍ରିକୀୟ-ଆମେରିକୀୟ |
Quechuaafroamericano runa
Tigrinyaኣፍሪቃዊ ኣሜሪካዊ

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