Psychology in different languages

Psychology in Different Languages

Discover 'Psychology' in 134 Languages: Dive into Translations, Hear Pronunciations, and Uncover Cultural Insights.

Updated on March 6, 2024

Psychology, the scientific study of the mind and behavior, has a profound significance in our lives. It helps us understand why we act, feel, and think the way we do. From its early roots in philosophy to its modern-day laboratory experiments, psychology has been a vital tool in deciphering the human condition.

Culturally, psychology plays a crucial role in understanding the diversity and complexity of human behavior across different societies. It aids in bridging gaps, resolving conflicts, and fostering a greater sense of empathy and compassion.

Moreover, knowing the translation of psychology in different languages can be fascinating and enlightening. For instance, in Spanish, it's psicología; in French, psychologie; in German, Psychologie; in Mandarin, 心理学 (xīnlǐxué); in Japanese, 心理学 (shinrigaku); in Arabic, علم النفس (‘ilm an-nafs); and in Russian, психология (psikhologiya).

By learning these translations, you not only expand your linguistic skills but also gain insights into how different cultures perceive and approach the study of the mind and behavior.


Psychology in Sub-Saharan African Languages

The word 'sielkunde' is derived from the Dutch 'zielkunde', meaning the study of the soul.
ሳይኮሎጂ is derived from the Greek words psyche (soul) and logos (study), and refers to the scientific study of mind and behavior.
Hausailimin halin dan adam
In Hausa, "ilimin halin dan Adam" literally translates to "the science of the state of man".
The term 'akparamaagwa' in Igbo encompasses a broader meaning, referring to both 'psychology' and 'consciousness'.
The term "psikolojia" is derived from the Greek words "psyche" (soul) and "logos" (study) and refers to the scientific study of the mind and behavior.
Nyanja (Chichewa)kuwerenga maganizo
The literal meaning of the phrase 'kuwerenga maganizo' is 'to study the mind'.
Somalicilmi nafsiga
Cilmiga nafsiga, which comes from the Arabic words ʿilm (meaning "knowledge"), and nafs (meaning "soul"), refers to the study of the mind and behavior.
Sesotho lexeme 'kelello' may refer to either 'mind' or 'psychology', as well as the concept of 'thinking'.
The Swahili word "saikolojia" comes from the Greek word "ψυχολογία," which refers to the study of the mind, the soul, and human behavior.
The Xhosa word 'isayikholoji' can also mean 'the study of the mind' or 'the study of human behavior'.
Oroin-okan is also a term for 'inner talk' which reveals a person's true nature, desires and feelings.
Zuluukusebenza kwengqondo
The word "ukusebenza kwengqondo" is the Zulu translation of the English word "psychology" and means "the study of the mind and behaviour."
Lingalapsychologie ya bato
Sepedithuto ya monagano
Twi (Akan)adwene ne nneyɛe ho nimdeɛ

Psychology in North African & Middle Eastern Languages

Arabicعلم النفس
In Arabic, the word "علم النفس" literally means "science of the soul".
"פסיכולוגיה" נגזר מהמילים היווניות "פסיכֵה" (נפש) ו"לוגוס" (חקר).
ارواپوهنه is derived from the Greek word psyche, meaning
Arabicعلم النفس
In Arabic, the word "علم النفس" literally means "science of the soul".

Psychology in Western European Languages

Psikologji comes from Greek, "psyche" (mind) and "logos" (study or knowledge).
The word “Psikologia” comes from the Greek word “psȳkhē” (soul) and “-logía” (study of), and it refers to the scientific study of the mind and behavior.
"Psicologia" is derived from the Greek "psykhē" (mind) and "lógos" (study)"
The word "psihologija" in Croatian comes from the Greek word "psychê", meaning "soul", and "logos", meaning "study" or "science".
The Danish word "psykologi" comes from the Greek words "psykhē" (soul) and "logos" (study).
In Dutch, "psychologie" also refers to the study of the soul.
The term 'psychology' is derived from the Greek words 'psyche,' meaning 'soul,' and 'logos,' meaning 'study or knowledge,' reflecting its historical roots in philosophy.
In French, the word "psychologie" can also mean "the study of the mind" or "the science of the soul."
Der Begriff "Psychologie" geht auf das griechische Wort "psyche" ("Seele") zurück.
O termo galego "psicoloxía" provén do grego "ψυχή" (alma) e "λόγος" (razón, pensamento).
The German term "Psychologie" can also refer to the study of psychics or the exploration of the mind.
The word "sálfræði" in Icelandic is derived from the Greek words "psyche" (meaning "soul") and "logos" (meaning "study").
The word 'síceolaíocht' is derived from the Greek words 'psyche' (soul) and 'logos' (study), meaning 'the study of the soul' or 'soul-knowledge'.
The word 'psicologia' is derived from the Greek words 'psyche' ('soul') and 'logos' ('study'), and can also refer to the field of 'psychoanalysis' in Italian.
In Luxembourgish, 'Psychologie' can refer to both 'psychology' and 'mentality'.
The Maltese word "psikoloġija" derives from the Greek word "ψυχολογία" (psuchologia), meaning "study of the soul or mind".
"Psykologi" derives from the Greek "psykhē" meaning "breath, soul" and "logia" meaning "study of" thus denoting psychology as "the study of the soul."
Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil)psicologia
In Portuguese, "psicologia" can also refer to the study of the mind and behavior, or the science of mental processes.
Scots Gaeliceòlas-inntinn
Eòlas-inntinn is literally translated as "mind knowledge" or "inner knowledge".
The Spanish word "psicología" derives from the Greek roots "psyche", meaning "soul", and "logos", meaning "study" or "knowledge", referring to the study of the soul or mind.
The Swedish word "psykologi" can also refer to the paranormal study of the psyche.
The word 'seicoleg' is derived from the Greek words 'psykhe' (soul) and 'logos' (study or science), and also has the alternate meaning 'philosophy' in Welsh.

Psychology in Eastern European Languages

The word "псіхалогія" is derived from the Greek words "psyche" (soul) and "logos" (study), and can also mean "mental process" or "branch of knowledge dealing with the mind and its functions" in Belarusian.
The word "psihologija" in Bosnian is derived from the Greek words "psyche" (soul) and "logos" (study).
Иногда "психология" встречается в смысле "настроение" или "состояние души".
In Czech, "psychologie" can also refer to the study of the soul or mind.
The Estonian word psühholoogia is a loan from the German word psychologie, which in turn is derived from the Greek words psyche, meaning "soul, mind", and logos meaning "study" or "science."
The word "psykologia" is derived from the Greek words "psychê" (soul) and "logos" (study), and can also refer to the study of the human mind, thought, and behavior.
The Hungarian word "pszichológia" can also mean "mind" or "soul".
The Latvian word “psiholoģija” derives from the Greek terms “psyche” (mind) and “logos” (study).
"Psichologija" comes from the Greek word "psyche", which means "soul", and "logos", which means "study" or "knowledge".
Претходно користена за описивање филозофских и теологичко-етичких аспекти ума.
In Polish, "psychologia" also refers to the study of the human soul, reflecting its historical connection to philosophy.
In Romanian, the word "psihologie" can also refer to the study of the mind and soul, encompassing both psychology and philosophy.
The word "психология" (psychology) is derived from the Greek words "psyche" (soul) and "logos" (discourse or study).
The Serbian word "психологије" (psihologije) derives from the Greek word "ψυχή" (psyché), meaning "soul" or "mind".
V slovenčine má slovo "psychológia" aj význam "duša"
The word "psihologije" derives from the Greek "psukhē" (soul) and "logos" (word, reason), and can also mean "the study of the soul".
The word "психологія" is derived from the Greek words "psyche" (soul) and "logos" (word or knowledge).

Psychology in South Asian Languages

মনস্তত্ত্ব derives from the Sanskrit words "manas" (mind) and "tatva" (an element or principle) and can also refer to spiritual disciplines in Bengali.
Gujaratiમનોવિજ્ .ાન
The Gujarati word 'મનોવિજ્ .ાન' derives from Sanskrit, where 'मन' (mana) means 'mind' and 'विज्ञान' (vijnana) means 'science'.
The term "मनोविज्ञान," often translated as "psychology," has alternate roots: "मनो" (mind) and "विज्ञान" (science), which can also refer to "knowledge," "understanding," or "systematic investigation."
The word "ಮನೋವಿಜ್ಞಾನ" is derived from the Greek words "psyche" (mind) and "logos" (study).
Malayalamമന psych ശാസ്ത്രം
This compound word consists of "man" meaning mind and "shasthra" meaning science.
The Marathi word 'मानसशास्त्र' comes from the Sanskrit words 'मानस' (mind) and 'शास्त्र' (science), which literally translates to 'science of the mind'.
The word "ਮਨੋਵਿਗਿਆਨ" is derived from the Sanskrit words "manas" (mind) and "vigyana" (science), and thus means "the science of the mind".
Sinhala (Sinhalese)මනෝවිද්යාව
මනෝවිද්යාව is derived from the Greek words ψυχή (psyche), meaning "soul, mind," and λόγος (logos), meaning "study, discourse."
The word 'உளவியல்' ('psychology') in Tamil can also mean 'science of the soul' or 'the study of the human mind'.
The Urdu word "نفسیات" comes from the Arabic word "نفس" meaning "soul" or "self" and refers to the study of the mind and behavior, emphasizing the influence of inner mental processes on external actions.

Psychology in East Asian Languages

Chinese (Simplified)心理学
Chinese (Traditional)心理學
The word "心理学" can be broken down into three characters: "心" (shin), meaning "heart, mind, or spirit"; "理" (ri), meaning "principle, reason, or theory"; and "学" (gaku), meaning "learning, study, or science".
"심리학"은 "마음(心)을 연구하는 학문(理학)"이란 뜻으로, 중국에서 유래한 말입니다.
Mongolianсэтгэл зүй
"Сэтгэл зүй" is a Mongolian word that literally means "the study of the mind".
Myanmar (Burmese)စိတ္ပညာ
The word "စိတ္ပညာ" is derived from Pali and Sanskrit and literally means "knowledge of the mind".

Psychology in South East Asian Languages

The word 'psikologi' in Indonesian originates from the Greek word 'psyche', meaning 'soul' or 'mind,' and 'logos', meaning 'study' or 'knowledge'.
The Javanese word "psikologi" also means "the science of the soul".
In Malay, "psikologi" can also mean "the study of the mind and behavior"
The Thai word "จิตวิทยา" derives from the Pali word "วิธฺยา" which also means "science or knowledge".
Vietnamesetâm lý học
Tâm lý học, theo nghĩa đen là "khoa học về tâm trí", nhưng trong tiếng Việt đôi khi cũng được dùng để chỉ các khía cạnh của nhân cách và cảm xúc.
Filipino (Tagalog)sikolohiya

Psychology in Central Asian Languages

The word “psixologiya” in Azerbaijani comes from the Greek words “psyche” (soul) and “logos” (word, study).
In Kazakh, "психология" can also refer to the study of the human soul or mind.
The word "психология" comes from the Greek words "psyche" (soul) and "logos" (study), and is used in Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian to refer to the scientific study of mental processes and behavior.
Слово «психология» происходит от греческих слов «ψυχή» (душа) и «λόγος» (слово, учение).

Psychology in Pacific Languages

"Kālaimeaola" is a Hawaiian word meaning "the science of the mind" and is cognate with the English word "psychology."
Hinengaro derives from 'hine', meaning 'daughter', and 'ngaro', meaning 'hidden or lost', which can be interpreted as the hidden or lost world of the mind.
The word "mafaufau" in Samoan, meaning "psychology," is related to the word "fa'au" which means "to think" or "to understand."
Tagalog (Filipino)sikolohiya
Siko-lohiya is a Tagalog word that means 'science of the soul' and is derived from the Greek words 'psyche' (soul) and 'logos' (study).

Psychology in American Indigenous Languages

Aymarapsicología tuqit yatxataña
Guaranipsicología rehegua

Psychology in International Languages

Psikologio, derived from the Greek words "psyche" (soul) and "logos" (reason), also refers to the paranormal or extrasensory perception in Esperanto.
Originally, 'psychology' was the study of the soul, 'anima', from Greek 'psyche' ('breath, life') and 'logos' ('thought, discourse').

Psychology in Others Languages

The Greek word ψυχολογία originally meant "study of the soul" but now means "study of the mind".
Hmongkev xav hlwb
The Hmong word 'kev xav hlwb' is derived from the Chinese characters '心理' (xīn lǐ), which literally means 'heart-reason'.
Kurdish 'psîkolojî' originates from the Greek 'psychology' and denotes both 'psychology' and 'psychiatry'.
The Turkish word "Psikoloji" ultimately derives from the Greek "psykhe" (soul or mind) and "logos" (word or discourse).
The Xhosa word 'isayikholoji' can also mean 'the study of the mind' or 'the study of human behavior'.
The Yiddish word "פּסיכאָלאָגיע" is borrowed from Greek and has two distinct meanings, either "the study of the mind" or "mental illness or disorder."
Zuluukusebenza kwengqondo
The word "ukusebenza kwengqondo" is the Zulu translation of the English word "psychology" and means "the study of the mind and behaviour."
Aymarapsicología tuqit yatxataña
Bhojpuriमनोविज्ञान के बारे में बतावल गइल बा
Dhivehiސައިކޮލޮޖީ އެވެ
Filipino (Tagalog)sikolohiya
Guaranipsicología rehegua
Ilocanosikolohia ti sikolohia
Kriosayɛns bɔt pɔsin in maynd
Kurdish (Sorani)دەروونزانی
Meiteilon (Manipuri)ꯁꯥꯏꯀꯣꯂꯣꯖꯤꯒꯤ ꯃꯇꯥꯡꯗꯥ ꯋꯥꯐꯝ ꯀꯌꯥ ꯊꯃꯈꯤ꯫
Mizorilru lam thiamna (psychology) a ni
Odia (Oriya)ମନୋବିଜ୍ଞାନ |
Quechuapsicología nisqamanta
Tigrinyaስነ-ልቦና (psychology)

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