Environment in different languages

Environment in Different Languages

Discover 'Environment' in 134 Languages: Dive into Translations, Hear Pronunciations, and Uncover Cultural Insights.

Updated on March 6, 2024

The environment is a term that encompasses the natural world and the things that surround us. It's a concept that's deeply intertwined with our cultural identity and history. From the lush rainforests of the Amazon to the bustling cities of Tokyo and New York, each culture has its own unique way of interacting with and understanding the environment.

Understanding the translation of the word 'environment' in different languages can give us insight into how other cultures view and relate to the world around them. For example, in Spanish, the word for environment is 'entorno', which not only refers to the natural world, but also the social and cultural context in which we live. Meanwhile, in German, the word 'Umwelt' carries a connotation of protection and stewardship, reflecting the country's strong emphasis on environmentalism.

By exploring the translations of environment in different languages, we can deepen our appreciation for the richness and diversity of global cultures, and gain a greater understanding of our own place in the world.


Environment in Sub-Saharan African Languages

The Afrikaans word "omgewing" also means "surroundings" or "context".
Hausa "muhalli" derives from Arabic for “place, environment, atmosphere.”
Igbogburugburu ebe obibi
The Igbo word for 'environment' can also mean 'the area where one lives' or 'the world'
Malagasytontolo iainana
As TONTOLO IAINANA derives from the root IAINANA, it also refers to the "spirit of nature."
Nyanja (Chichewa)chilengedwe
In Nyanja, the word "chilengedwe" is also used to refer to the natural world, especially in the context of conservation.
The word 'nharaunda' originates from the Shona word 'haraunda', meaning 'to surround', as 'nharaunda' is that which surrounds and influences us.
Degaanka can also mean 'native land' or 'hometown', similar to the word 'degaan' in Arabic and 'dekhan' in Persian.
The word "tikoloho" also means "the place where one lives" in Sesotho.
The Swahili word 'mazingira' derives from 'mazinga' ('circle'), denoting the cycle of life and the interconnectedness of all things in nature.
The word 'okusingqongileyo' (environment) comes from the root 'gqongqongile' (to surround, to enclose)
"Àyíkà" denotes one's homestead, where one dwells with one's immediate family.
"Imvelo" is also used to refer to "nature" in Zulu.
Twi (Akan)atenaeɛ

Environment in North African & Middle Eastern Languages

The word "بيئة" (environment) in Arabic originally meant 'mode of living' or 'habits'
The Hebrew word סביבה ("environment") is derived from the verb סבב ("to surround"), implying the totality of surrounding conditions.
The Pashto word "چاپیریال" (environment) also means "the place where one lives".
The word "بيئة" (environment) in Arabic originally meant 'mode of living' or 'habits'

Environment in Western European Languages

Mjedisi derives from a Slavic word that meant “place” or “region”.
The word "ingurunea" is derived from the Basque words "inguru", meaning "around", and "nea", meaning "thing", and ultimately derives from Proto-Basque "*inguru-n-e-a".
"Entorn" in Catalan is derived from the Old Catalan word "entornar", meaning "to surround" or "to enclose".
The Croatian word "okoliš" comes from the Slavic root "kol", meaning "circle" or "surrounding."
"Miljø" is derived from the French word "milieu", meaning "surroundings" or "setting."
Dutch "milieu" can also mean a "social environment"
The word 'environment' derives from the French 'environner', meaning to 'surround' or 'besiege', reflecting its original sense of 'surrounding conditions' or 'influences'
"Environnement" is derived from Old French "environ", meaning "around" or "surrounding."
The Frisian word 'miljeu' can also refer to the surroundings of a house or a group of buildings.
The word "ambiente" in Galician also refers to the mood or atmosphere of a place.
The German word "Umgebung" also means "surroundings" and is related to the verb "umgeben" (to surround).
In Icelandic, the term "umhverfi" can also refer to surroundings, circumstances, or neighborhood.
The word 'timpeallacht' literally means 'around everything', highlighting the interconnectedness of the natural world in Irish culture.
The Italian word "ambiente" derives from the Latin "ambiens," meaning "surrounding," and can also refer to the atmosphere or ambiance of a place.
The word "Ëmfeld" is derived from the Old High German word "umbifelt", meaning "surrounding area".
The word "ambjent" in Maltese also means "ambiance".
The Norwegian word "miljø" can also refer to social or cultural surroundings or ambiance.
Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil)meio ambiente
In Portuguese, the word "meio ambiente" literally means "middle that surrounds".
Scots Gaelicàrainneachd
Àrainneachd is a broad-spectrum word in Gaelic, encompassing concepts of natural or man-made settings, as well as the weather and surroundings
Spanishmedio ambiente
The Spanish word "medio ambiente" can also refer to the surroundings or ambiance of a place.
The word "miljö" originally meant "the milieu in which something happens" or "the surroundings of a person or thing".
The Welsh word "Amgylchedd" has multiple archaic meanings including "the whole world" or "universe".

Environment in Eastern European Languages

Belarusianнавакольнае асяроддзе
"Okolis" is also Croatian, Slovenian and Serbian for "vicinity, surroundings"
Bulgarianоколен свят
"Околен свят" in Bulgarian literally means "surrounding world".
Czechživotní prostředí
The Czech word "životní prostředí" literally means "life surrounding" or "life conditions".
The Estonian word "keskkond" is derived from the root "kesk", meaning "middle" or "center", implying the central importance of the environment to human life.
Literally 'in surroundings', ympäristössä is composed from the words ympäri (around) and stö (place).
Környezet comes from the Turkish "çevre" (meaning "environment") and the Hungarian verbal suffix "-zet"
The Latvian word "vide" is derived from the Old Prussian word "wid", meaning "forest."
The word aplinka has roots in the verb "linkti," meaning "to curve" or "to bend," suggesting the interconnectedness and fluidity of the environment.
Macedonianживотната средина
Животната средина (environment) consists of two morphemes: живот (animal or life) and среда (environment), implying a close relationship between the two.
The word "środowisko" can also refer to social setting, situation, or milieu (e.g., "pracownicze środowisko" "work environment") or to surroundings and living conditions (e.g., "wiejskie środowisko" "rural environment").
Romanianmediu inconjurator
The Romanian word "mediu inconjurator" comes from the Latin phrase "medium inconveniens," meaning "surrounding or intervening medium.
Russianокружающая среда
"Окружающая среда" can also mean the "environment of a person's life and work" and the "social environment"
Serbianживотна средина
The term "Животна средина" in Serbian literally means "life in between", capturing both the animate and inanimate elements of the environment.
The word "prostredie" also has the alternate meaning of "milieu" or "setting".
The word "okolje" in Slovenian also refers to a frame or framing, which highlights the role of our surroundings in shaping our perspectives and experiences.
Ukrainianнавколишнє середовище
The word 'навколишнє середовище' in Ukrainian can also refer to 'surroundings' or 'circumstances'.

Environment in South Asian Languages

পরিবেশ (poribesh) originates from the Sanskrit word parivesha, meaning “that which surrounds” or “circumference”.
The word "वातावरण" comes from the Sanskrit words "वात" (air) and "आवरण" (covering), suggesting a layer of air surrounding the earth.
ಪರಿಸರ means 'surrounding' or 'environment' in Kannada and is derived from the Sanskrit word 'परिसर' (parisara) meaning 'surroundings'.
Malayalam word 'പരിസ്ഥിതി' is the combination of two Sanskrit words: 'परि' (around) and 'स्थिति' (state). It not only refers to the physical surroundings but also includes cultural, social, and economic aspects.
The Marathi word 'वातावरण' comes from the Sanskrit word 'वातवरणम्' meaning 'atmosphere'. In astronomy, it refers to the atmospheric conditions surrounding a planet or other celestial body.
The Nepali word "वातावरण" derives from Sanskrit and literally translates to "the sphere around" or "the enveloping sphere", denoting a surrounding or encompassing context.
The word "ਵਾਤਾਵਰਣ" is derived from Sanskrit and also means "surroundings, circumstances, or atmosphere" in Punjabi.
Sinhala (Sinhalese)පරිසරය
The word 'சூழல்' in Tamil is derived from the root word 'சூழ,' meaning 'to surround' or 'to encompass'
The word "పర్యావరణం" originates from the Sanskrit word "पर्यावरण" (paryāvaraṇa), which means "surroundings" or "circle".
The word "ماحول" also means "surroundings" and "atmosphere" in Urdu.

Environment in East Asian Languages

Chinese (Simplified)环境
The word 环境 (environment) also means "surroundings" or "context" in Chinese.
Chinese (Traditional)環境
環境, kankyō, also refers to circumstance, situation, ambience, atmosphere, surrounding, and more
The word 環境, pronounced as “kankyō” is a Sino-Japanese term which can also be interpreted as “surroundings”.
환경 is a Sino-Korean word originally meaning 'surrounding conditions', and retains this meaning in the context of the body and health.
Mongolianхүрээлэн буй орчин
Myanmar (Burmese)ပတ်ဝန်းကျင်

Environment in South East Asian Languages

Indonesianlingkungan hidup
The Indonesian word lingkungan hidup literally translates to "surrounding life" and is used to refer to both the environment and living organisms.
In Javanese, "lingkungan" can also mean "surrounding area" or "community."
The term បរិស្ថាន has two potential etymologies: it may originate from the Sanskrit word "paristhana", meaning "standing around", or from Pali "paritatha", meaning "surround".
The Malay word "persekitaran" is also used to refer to an individual's social and cultural surroundings or circumstances.
The Thai word "สิ่งแวดล้อม" (environment) is derived from Pali and Sanskrit roots, and can also mean "surroundings", "context", or "external factors that influence something"
Vietnamesemôi trường
The Vietnamese word "Môi trường" has various meanings, including "external surroundings," "living space," and "habitat."
Filipino (Tagalog)kapaligiran

Environment in Central Asian Languages

Mühit (environment) comes from the Arabic word "muhit" (surrounding) and can also mean "milieu" and "ambient" in Azerbaijani.
Kazakhқоршаған орта
The Kazakh word "қоршаған орта" is derived from the verb "қоршау" meaning "to surround" and the noun "орта" meaning "middle" or "centre". It can also mean "habitat" or "surroundings".
This word combines two Turkic roots, "aila" meaning "family" and "chöirö" meaning "world, universe, or all around."
Tajikмуҳити зист
The word “муҳити зист” comes from the Persian phrase “muhit-i zist” which means “the surroundings”.
Turkmendaşky gurşaw
The Uzbek word "atrof-muhit" is derived from Persian "āṭrāf" (edge) and Arabic "muḥīṭ" (surrounding), and also has the meaning of "circumstance or situation".

Environment in Pacific Languages

The Hawaiian word 'kaiapuni' is a combination of the words 'kai' (ocean/water) and 'puni' (gorge/pit), suggesting a notion of an ecosystem where everything is connected.
Taiao can also refer to the universe or ecosystem, emphasising the interconnectedness of all living things.
The word "siosiomaga" is derived from the Samoan words "sio" (to protect) and "maga" (a place), and also refers to the area around a village set aside for planting and protection of food crops.
Tagalog (Filipino)kapaligiran
The word "kapaligiran" derives from the Tagalog root "paligid," meaning "surroundings" or "vicinity," hence its ecological connotation.

Environment in American Indigenous Languages


Environment in International Languages

In Esperanto, "medio" can also mean "average" or "midpoint", reflecting its Latin origin "medius".
'Amet' can also refer to 'beloved', such as in the phrase 'mea pulchra amit', or 'my beautiful beloved'.

Environment in Others Languages

The word "περιβάλλον" (environment) comes from the Greek word "βάλλω" (to throw), and originally meant "that which is thrown around" or "surrounding".
Hmongib puag ncig
'Ib puag ncig' also means 'surrounding place' and 'nature'.
The word "dor" can also mean "village" or "home" in Kurdish.
"Çevre" derives from Persian "chehr" (face), hence meaning "the surface of something".
The word 'okusingqongileyo' (environment) comes from the root 'gqongqongile' (to surround, to enclose)
The Yiddish word "סביבה" (svive) originally meant "vicinity" or "neighborhood" before taking on its modern meaning of "environment."
"Imvelo" is also used to refer to "nature" in Zulu.
Filipino (Tagalog)kapaligiran
Kurdish (Sorani)ژینگە
Meiteilon (Manipuri)ꯑꯀꯣꯏꯕꯒꯤ ꯐꯤꯚꯝ
Mizochenna khawvel
Odia (Oriya)ପରିବେଶ
Quechuamedio ambiente
Tatarәйләнә-тирә мохит

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