Palestinian in different languages

Palestinian in Different Languages

Discover 'Palestinian' in 134 Languages: Dive into Translations, Hear Pronunciations, and Uncover Cultural Insights.

Updated on March 6, 2024

The term 'Palestinian' holds great significance and cultural importance, referring to individuals or things associated with the region of Palestine. This word has been an essential part of global conversations, particularly in the context of history, politics, and culture. Understanding its translation in different languages can provide valuable insights into the rich tapestry of human experiences and languages around the world.

Did you know that the word 'Filastin' is used in Arabic to describe Palestine? In Hebrew, it is 'Falastin,' while in Spanish, it is 'Palestino.' These translations reflect the historical and cultural ties that diverse communities share with this region.

Exploring the word 'Palestinian' in various languages can open doors to understanding the complex narratives, customs, and identities that have evolved in this part of the world. Join us as we delve into the fascinating translations of 'Palestinian' in multiple languages.


Palestinian in Sub-Saharan African Languages

In the 1880s, the word "Palestyns" was used in Afrikaans to refer to the English-speaking settlers in Palestine, while Dutch speakers used the term "Palestina" to refer to the natives of the land.
The word “ፍልስጤማዊ” can also mean a “Philistine” in Amharic.
The Hausa word "Bafalasdine" originates from the Arabic word "Falastin" and also refers to the "Holy Land".
Igboonye palestine
The Igbo word "Onye Palestine" is literally translated as "person from Palestine."
The word "Palestiniana" in Malagasy can also mean "a person from Palestine".
Nyanja (Chichewa)palestina
Nyanja "Palestina" (from Greek "Palesteine") also means "of a place"
The Somali word "Falastiin" also means "a person from Palestine".
The word "Palestina" in Sesotho can also mean "a state of uncertainty or confusion"
The Swahili word "Mpalestina" is a derivative of the Arabic word "Filastin", which refers to Palestine, and is also used in Swahili to refer to the entire Arab world.
The Xhosa word 'EPalestina' does not mean 'Palestinian', but is rather derived from the Greek word 'Palaestina', referring to the region of Palestine.
In Yoruba, the word "Palestine" can also refer to a type of traditional drum.
In Zulu, "IPalestina" can also refer to "a large group of people" or "a crowd".
Bambarapalestinakaw ye
Lingalamoto ya palestine
Twi (Akan)palestinafo

Palestinian in North African & Middle Eastern Languages

The root of the word “falastini” (فلسطيني) is “falasatun” (فلسطون), which has historically had a meaning that is both broader and more restricted than the name of the current-day state-in-formation.
The Hebrew word "פַּלֶשְׂתִּינַאי" (Palestinian) comes from the name of the Philistines, an ancient people who lived along the southern coast of Canaan
The word "فلسطین" has no alternate meanings or specific etymology in Pashto.
The root of the word “falastini” (فلسطيني) is “falasatun” (فلسطون), which has historically had a meaning that is both broader and more restricted than the name of the current-day state-in-formation.

Palestinian in Western European Languages

The Albanian word "Palestinez" can also refer to a person who is Christian and of Albanian origin.
In Basque, "Palestinarra" specifically refers to a person from the State of Palestine, while "Palestina" denotes the broader historical and cultural region of Palestine.
"Palestinci je naziv za Arape s područja Palestine. Po riječi Palestinci, dobio je naziv i jezik koji ovi Arapi govore, koji se naziva palestinskim jezikom."
"Palæstinensisk" kommer fra det græske "Palaistine" og betyder oprindeligt "land af filistrene"
In 1340 "Palestijn" first appeared in Dutch and was used for the area of modern Palestine, Syria, and Egypt, as well as Sicily.
The word 'Palestinian' can also refer to the geographical region of Palestine, which includes the present-day countries of Israel and Palestine.
En français, le terme « palestinien » peut aussi désigner un juif natif de la Palestine historique
The word "palästinensisch" can also refer to the ancient region of Palestine or to the Palestinian diaspora.
The word "Palestínumaður" is derived from the Hebrew word "Peleshet", which refers to the ancient Philistines.
The word "Palaistíneach" in Irish, meaning "Palestinian", also refers to the inhabitants of the biblical region of Philistia.
Il termine inglese "Palestinian", in italiano, può riferirsi anche ai filistei
In Maltese, "Palestinjan" also refers to a type of traditional cotton or wool fabric.
På norsk og andre europeiske språkområdet kunne ordet tidvis betegnet hele eller deler av Midtøsten.
Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil)palestino
Palestino derives from the Palestinian geographical area in the Middle East
Scots Gaelicpalestine
The Scots Gaelic word 'Palastain' (also spelled 'Palasdain', 'Palastainne', 'Palasdeanaich') means 'the Holy Land'.
In Spanish, the term "palestino" refers to an inhabitant of Palestine but can also mean a pigeon.
I svenskan avser "palestinsk" enbart staten Palestina och dess befolkning, medan "palestinier" används om individer som är från eller har kopplingar till Palestina.
The Welsh word 'Palestina' is of uncertain etymology, but may be derived from the Latin 'Palaestina', meaning 'land of the Philistines'.

Palestinian in Eastern European Languages

In Bosnian, 'Palestinski' can also mean 'from the city of Palestine, Texas' or 'of the historical region of Palestine'
Although it is most commonly used to refer to the Palestinian people, the adjective "Палестински" can also mean "Philistine".
V češtině se pro označení palestinské národnosti používá i označení 'palestinec', což je výraz, který kromě významu 'příslušník palestinského národa' má v některých textech i význam 'Palestinec'.
The word "Palestiinlane" is derived from the name of the region of Palestine which has been inhabited by Palestinians for centuries. Palestine is the name of a geographic region in the Middle East, bordered by Jordan to the east, Israel to the northwest, Syria to the northeast, and Egypt to the southwest.
Palestiinalainen viittaa myös muinaiseen, raamatulliseen Paalestiinan alueeseen.
A "palesztin" szó az ógörög "Philistia" kifejezésből származik, amely a Szentföld déli partvidékét lakó filiszteusokra utalt.
Latvian word "Palestīnietis" is derived from French word "Palestinien" and German word "Palästinenser", all of them meaning "Palestinian".
Žodis „Palestinietis“ lietuvių kalboje vartojamas ir žydams iš Palestinos apibūdinti.
The term "Палестински" can also refer to something or someone that is "of or relating to the area of the ancient Biblical land" Palestine.
«Palestyński» również oznacza «wykonany z materiału przypominającego wełnę».
In Romanian, the word "palestinian" can also refer to a type of bread or a Palestinian refugee.
"Палестинский" (Palestinian) is also an archaic name for the inhabitants of the Philistine region, which is located in modern-day Israel and the Gaza Strip.
У српском језику реч `Палестински` може значити `који се односи на Палестину` или `који се односи на Палестинце`.
Slovo Palestínčan znamená po slovensky aj druh pavúka - pavúk palestínsky.
V slovenščini izraz "Palestinski" največkrat opisuje prebivalce Palestine, lahko pa pomeni tudi nekoga, ki podpira ali zagovarja pravice Palestine
The word "Палестинський" also means "from or pertaining to the region of Palestine" in Ukrainian.

Palestinian in South Asian Languages

"প্যালেস্টাইন" শব্দটির আরেকটি অর্থ হচ্ছে "প্রতিশ্রুতিবদ্ধ ভূমি"।
इस शब्द की जड़ फिलिस्तिया है, जो बाइबिल में इस्राइल की पूर्वी भूमि (वर्तमान गाजा-पश्चिम तट) के रूप में उल्लेखित है।
The word 'പലസ്തീൻ' ('Palestinian') in Malayalam has its origin in the Greek term 'Παλαιστίνη' ('Palestine'), which itself derives from the Hebrew term 'פלשת' ('Peleshet')
The word "प्यालेस्टिनी" can also refer to a person from the Gaza Strip or the West Bank.
The word "ਫਲਸਤੀਨੀ" is a Punjabi word used to describe a person from Palestine, and is derived from the Persian word "فلسطین" (Falastin).
Sinhala (Sinhalese)පලස්තීන
The word පලස්තීන is derived from the ancient Greek word Παλαιστίνη (Palaistínē), which referred to the region of Palestine.
பாலஸ்தீனிய is derived from the name of the biblical land of Philistia in Hebrew, which is the Greek name for a region on the southern coast of present-day Israel and the Gaza Strip that was settled by the Philistines, an ancient people who lived there from about 1200 to 604 BCE.

Palestinian in East Asian Languages

Chinese (Simplified)巴勒斯坦人
Chinese (Traditional)巴勒斯坦人
Korean팔레스타인 사람
팔레스타인 사람 '이라는 단어는 고대 아랍어로 '방랑자' 또는 '유목민'을 의미하는 단어에서 유래했습니다.
Myanmar (Burmese)ပါလက်စတိုင်း

Palestinian in South East Asian Languages

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, 'Palestina' juga dapat merujuk pada 'Palestina Besar', wilayah yang meliputi wilayah Israel dan Tepi Barat.
The word "Palestina" in Javanese does not mean "Palestinian" but refers to the Dutch colonial occupation of the Middle East.
The word ប៉ាឡេស្ទីន (Palestinian) has multiple meanings in Khmer, including "a person of Palestinian descent" or "a person living in Palestine."
Laoປະເທດ palestinian
The term Palestin is also used for the region now referred to as Palestine in Malay.
คำว่า ปาเลสไตน์ หรือ ฟาเลสติน ในภาษาไทย ยังสามารถหมายถึงชื่อของดินแดนในตะวันออกกลางได้ด้วย
Vietnamesengười palestine
Từ "Người Palestine" trong tiếng Việt có thể được dùng với nghĩa rộng để chỉ những người Ả Rập sống ở Palestine hoặc những người dân tộc Palestine có quốc tịch nước ngoài.
Filipino (Tagalog)palestinian

Palestinian in Central Asian Languages

In Kyrgyz, Палестина also means "wandering", implying the nomadic lifestyle of the Kyrgyz people.
In Tajik, "Фаластинӣ" can also refer to the people or culture of Palestine.

Palestinian in Pacific Languages

The word "Palesetina" in Hawaiian means "those from the foreign land" and is used to refer to Europeans or Americans.
The word "Pirihitia" in Maori is derived from the Arabic word "Filasteen", meaning "Palestine".
The word “Palestina/Palestinian” in Samoan refers primarily to the geographical and historical entity in Western Asia, not its contemporary inhabitants.
Tagalog (Filipino)palestinian

Palestinian in American Indigenous Languages

Aymarapalestina markankir jaqinakawa

Palestinian in International Languages

The Latin word "Palaestinae" can also refer to the Philistines, an ancient people who inhabited the southern coast of Canaan.

Palestinian in Others Languages

The word "παλαιστίνιος" derives from the Greek name for the Philistines, a people who lived in the area now known as Palestine in the 12th century BCE.
The word 'Palestinian' in Hmong can also refer to a person from Palestine, or the region of Palestine.
The Kurdish word “Fîlîstînî” can be used as a synonym for "exile or refugee" in addition to its meaning of "Palestinian".
Filistin'in Türkçe karşılığı 'Falasa' sözcüğünden türetilmiş olup 'Yahudi olmayan Filistinli' anlamına da gelir.
The Xhosa word 'EPalestina' does not mean 'Palestinian', but is rather derived from the Greek word 'Palaestina', referring to the region of Palestine.
The Yiddish word “פאלעסטינער” can also refer to a "wanderer" (from the Hebrew “פלשת”, which means "wander").
In Zulu, "IPalestina" can also refer to "a large group of people" or "a crowd".
Aymarapalestina markankir jaqinakawa
Bhojpuriफिलिस्तीनी के ह
Filipino (Tagalog)palestinian
Ilocanopalestino nga
Kriopalestayn pipul dɛn
Kurdish (Sorani)فەلەستینی
Meiteilon (Manipuri)ꯄꯦꯂꯦꯁ꯭ꯇꯥꯏꯅꯒꯤ...
Mizopalestinian mi a ni
Odia (Oriya)ପାଲେଷ୍ଟାଇନ

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