American in different languages

American in Different Languages

Discover 'American' in 134 Languages: Dive into Translations, Hear Pronunciations, and Uncover Cultural Insights.

Updated on March 6, 2024

The word 'American' is instantly recognizable worldwide and carries a great deal of significance and cultural importance. It represents not only a nationality but also a diverse and complex culture with deep historical roots. From the indigenous peoples who have lived on the continent for millennia to the waves of immigrants who have helped shape the country, the United States is a melting pot of traditions, languages, and ideas.

Given the country's outsized influence on global culture, politics, and economics, it's no wonder that many people around the world are interested in learning more about the United States and its people. Understanding the nuances of the word 'American' in different languages can provide valuable insights into how the country is perceived and discussed in other parts of the world.

For example, in Spanish, 'American' is often translated as 'estadounidense' to distinguish between citizens of the United States and those from other countries in North, Central, and South America. Meanwhile, in French, 'American' can be translated as 'américain,' but it's important to note that this term can also refer to people from Canada or other countries in the Americas.

Below, you'll find a list of translations of the word 'American' in a variety of languages, from Arabic to Zulu. We hope this resource helps deepen your understanding of the rich cultural and linguistic diversity that makes up the United States and its place in the world.


American in Sub-Saharan African Languages

Afrikaans "Amerikaans" refers specifically to "North American" and not to other continents' inhabitants.
አሜሪካዊ is used to describe the United States of America, the continent of the Americas, or both, depending on context.
In Hausa, "Ba'amurke" can also refer to an African-American person.
Igboonye america
The word "Onye America" can also refer to someone who is wealthy or successful.
The word "Malagasy" also means "noble" or "free" in Malagasy.
Nyanja (Chichewa)wachimereka
Wachimereka is also used figuratively to refer to people who are not African or Malawian specifically, but who are non-African or non-Malawian more generally.
The word "American" in Shona can also refer to someone from the United States of America, as well as someone from the American continent.
Somalimareykan ah
In Somali "Mareykan ah" also means a person who lives in a foreign country or a person who came from a foreign country.
In Sesotho, 'Amerika' also refers to the continent of North and South America, and can sometimes be used to refer to people from those regions.
The Swahili word 'Mmarekani' also refers to someone of Arab descent, potentially due to early American traders being predominantly of Lebanese origin.
"WaseMelika" is cognate with "eMelika," which refers to the North and South American continents.
Yorubaara ilu amẹrika
In Yoruba, the word "Ara ilu Amẹrika" can also refer to indigenous Americans, or members of the Yoruba diaspora living in the Americas.
The Zulu word "WaseMelika" also refers to the people who reside there.
Bambaraamerikikan na
Lingalamoto ya amerika
Twi (Akan)amerikani

American in North African & Middle Eastern Languages

الأمريكي (بالعربية) مشتق من الكلمة اللاتينية
The word "אמריקאי" can also mean "Indian" (as in Native American) in Hebrew.
The word "امریکایی" can also refer to a person from the Americas, regardless of their nationality.
الأمريكي (بالعربية) مشتق من الكلمة اللاتينية

American in Western European Languages

Amerikan is the Albanian word for American, but can also refer to a type of grape or a variety of apple.
Basque word “Amerikarra” means “American” but has also been used to refer to Spaniards who came to the Americas.
The word "Nord-americà" in Catalan is an exonym that refers to citizens of the United States but not to people from other countries in the Americas.
Američki can also mean spicy or sharp.
In Danish, "amerikansk" can also refer to a type of hard candy similar to a butterscotch, similar to the double meaning of "Irish" in English.
In Dutch, "Amerikaan" can also mean someone from the Netherlands, or coffee with a scoop of whipped cream on top.
"American" originally referred only to inhabitants of the Americas and not the United States, and this usage persists in other languages.
The word "américain" in French can also refer to a type of coffee with cream and hot water, or a type of sandwich with fries and melted cheese.
In Frisian, "Amerikaansk" can refer to both American and African American people.
The word "amerikanisch" in German originally referred to the indigenous people of the Americas, and later came to be used in a more general sense.
In the past, the word “Amerískt” was also used more specifically about things from the United States, rather than just the Americas as a whole.
The word "Meiriceánach" can also be used to refer to someone from the Americas in general, not just the United States.
In Italian, "americano" can also refer to a type of coffee or a type of cocktail.
In Luxembourgish, "Amerikanesch" can also refer to something that is garish or tasteless.
In Maltese, the word "Amerikana" is a colloquial term used to refer to second-hand imported goods from the United States, as well as American culture in general.
In Norwegian, «amerikansk» can also refer to items that are large or showy.
Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil)americano
In Portuguese, “americano” refers to something that is “extra” or “stronger” and can be used to refer to a type of coffee or to coffee with added milk.
Scots Gaelicameireagaidh
The word 'Ameireagaidh' may also refer to Irish people who migrated to America during the 19th century.
In Spanish, "americano" can also mean "coffee with hot water" or "coffee with milk and cream."
In Swedish, the term 'Amerikansk' can also refer to objects or concepts originating from the Americas in general, such as indigenous cultures or products.}
Americanaidd is derived from the Welsh words 'Amerig' (America) and 'aid' (region), and can also refer to American ideals or culture.

American in Eastern European Languages

The word "Амерыканскі" can also refer to the continent of America or to the United States of America.
Though it may seem like an oddity, in Bosnian "američko" can also refer to a kind of sausage.
Американският термин се използва и за обозначение на неща, свързани с континента Северна и Южна Америка.
The word "americký" in Czech can also mean "large" or "extra".
Ameeriklane can also refer to the indigenous peoples of the Americas in Estonian.
"Amerikkalainen" is also used colloquially in Finland to mean "weird" or "crazy".
In Hungarian, "Amerikai" can also refer to a type of goulash made with paprika, tomatoes, and beef.
"Amerikānis" is also used to refer to the indigenous peoples of the Americas.
Amerikietis is derived from Lithuanian words meaning 'European' and 'continent'.
The word "Американец" also refers to a type of grape and a certain type of white bread.
"Amerykański" is also used in Polish to describe something that is big, showy, or excessive.
The word "American" can also refer to a type of coffee made with hot water poured over ground coffee beans in a filter, or to a certain type of cheese originating from the United States or Canada.
"Американец" in Russian can also mean a person who lives in Russia but was born in the USA (e.g., a diplomat's child).
The Serbian word "Американац" can also refer to a type of wheat or a variety of tomato.
The word "Americký" can also mean "American Indian" in Slovak.
The word 'ameriški' can also refer to something that is unusual or strange.
The word “American” can also refer to the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

American in South Asian Languages

মার্কিন শব্দটি 'মার্ক' (সীমান্ত) এবং 'কান' (দেশ) শব্দ দুটির সমন্বয়ে তৈরি, যা ইঙ্গিত করে 'সীমান্তের দেশ।'
अमेरिकन' भारत के संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका या उसके लोगों को संदर्भित करता है, लेकिन यह आम तौर पर उत्तर या दक्षिण अमेरिका के लोगों के लिए भी इस्तेमाल किया जाता है।
The word
अमेरिकन शब्द अमेरिका महाद्वीप के निवासियों के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है, जबकि अमेरिका देश के निवासियों के लिए संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका शब्द का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
The word "अमेरिकी" can also refer to a native of the Americas, not just the United States.
Sinhala (Sinhalese)ඇමෙරිකානු
امریکی also means 'of or belonging to the Americas'.

American in East Asian Languages

Chinese (Simplified)美国人
Chinese (Traditional)美國人
アメリカン (American) とは、喫茶店でクリームソーダやパフェに載せる、赤や青や黄色のさくらんぼなどを指す言葉でもあります。
Korean미국 사람
미국 사람 (미국인)은 원래 영어 'American'에서 유래해 '미국 대륙 사람'을 뜻하며, 나중에 미국 시민을 뜻하게 되었습니다.
The Mongolian word "Америк" (American) is also used to refer to the Americas as a whole, as well as to the United States of America.
Myanmar (Burmese)အမေရိကန်

American in South East Asian Languages

Kata "Amerika" dalam bahasa Indonesia juga dapat merujuk pada benua Amerika secara keseluruhan, tidak hanya negara Amerika Serikat.
Javanesewong amerika
Wong Amerika, yang aslinya berarti 'orang kulit putih,' kini juga digunakan untuk menyebut orang Amerika keturunan Tionghoa di Jawa Tengah.
In 1821, Lao officials referred to the area surrounding the Lao kingdom as "America" due to its perceived distance from urban centers.
Malayorang amerika
The term 'Orang Amerika' in Malay can also refer to indigenous people of the Americas.
คำว่า "อเมริกัน" มีความหมายได้หลายอย่าง เช่น ชาวทวีปอเมริกา หรือผู้ที่อาศัยอยู่ในทวีปอเมริกา
Vietnamesengười mỹ
"Người Mỹ" có thể dùng để chỉ người bản địa, người dân, hoặc người có quốc tịch ở Hoa Kỳ.
Filipino (Tagalog)amerikano

American in Central Asian Languages

"Amerika" is also used to refer to the continent of America, not just the United States.
The Kyrgyz word "Америкалык" (American) literally translates to "New World-er" and can also refer to someone from the American continents.
Амрикоӣ (American) is also used to refer to the peoples indigenous to the Americas, including Indigenous North Americans and Indigenous South Americans

American in Pacific Languages

'Amelika' can also refer to the United States specifically or to the Americas as a whole.
In Maori, "Amerikana" has an additional meaning of "being or relating to a horse and cart used on farms."
'Amerika' in Samoan refers to Samoa itself, and not the United States of America.
Tagalog (Filipino)amerikano
The Tagalog word "Amerikano" can also refer to a type of coffee drink similar to a latte.

American in American Indigenous Languages

Aymaraamericano markanxa

American in International Languages

"Usonano" derives from "Usono" meaning United States, which in turn derives from the Italian version of the English name "United States of America".
The Latin word "Americanus" originally referred to the indigenous peoples of the Americas, rather than the citizens of the United States.

American in Others Languages

The Greek word for 'American' comes from the Greek word 'Αμερική' ('America'), which itself comes from the name of the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci.
In Hmong, a person that can speak Hmong and speak English is referred to as a "Miskas".
The word "emrîkî" in Kurdish also refers to a type of white grape.
Amerikan also means 'native' in Turkish, derived from the Persian word 'āmīr', meaning 'leader' or 'prince'.
"WaseMelika" is cognate with "eMelika," which refers to the North and South American continents.
In Yiddish, "אמעריקאנער" may also colloquially refer to a "big shot" or "important person."
The Zulu word "WaseMelika" also refers to the people who reside there.
Aymaraamericano markanxa
Bhojpuriअमेरिकी के ह
Filipino (Tagalog)amerikano
Kurdish (Sorani)ئەمریکی
Meiteilon (Manipuri)ꯑꯃꯦꯔꯤꯀꯥꯒꯤ ꯑꯦꯝ
Mizoamerican a ni
Odia (Oriya)ଆମେରିକୀୟ |

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