Iraqi in different languages

Iraqi in Different Languages

Discover 'Iraqi' in 134 Languages: Dive into Translations, Hear Pronunciations, and Uncover Cultural Insights.

Updated on March 6, 2024

The word Iraqi is of profound significance, representing a rich and complex culture with a history that spans thousands of years. Derived from the country of Iraq, an 'Iraqi' is an individual who hails from this ancient land, or someone who holds Iraqi nationality. The term encapsulates a diverse population, with various ethnicities, religions, and linguistic backgrounds, all contributing to the country's vibrant cultural tapestry.

Understanding the word 'Iraqi' in different languages can open up new avenues of communication and cultural exchange. For instance, in Arabic, an Iraqi is referred to as 'العراقي' (al-'Iraqi'), while in Spanish, the term is 'iraquí'. In German, an Iraqi is 'Iraker/-in', and in French, 'irakien/ne'. These translations not only help break down linguistic barriers but also foster a deeper appreciation for the global community's rich diversity.

Join us as we delve into the various translations of the word 'Iraqi', shedding light on the fascinating world of language and culture.


Iraqi in Sub-Saharan African Languages

In Afrikaans, the term "Irakies" can also refer to a person from the Middle East in general, not specifically from Iraq.
The word "ኢራቃዊ" can also refer to a person from the city of Kirkuk in Iraq.
Iraqi is also used to refer to a type of cotton grown in the region.
Igboonye iraq
The term 'Onye Iraq' is of Igbo origin and is believed to have been derived from the ancient Egyptian word 'Irq,' meaning 'land of the two rivers,' referring to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
The word "Irakiana" also bears the alternative meanings of "from the north," "noble," "free," and "warrior."
Nyanja (Chichewa)iraqi
Iraqi is the adjective for the noun Iraq, the name of a country in the Middle East.
Somalireer ciraaq
The term "Reer Ciraaq" can also refer to people of Arab descent in general.
In Sesotho, 'Iraqi' means one who belongs to Iraq.
Iraqi in Swahili can include the meaning of a person from Iraq or an Iraqi citizen.
The name 'Iraqi' in Xhosa may have been a borrowing from Arabic via the Ottoman Turks, as the name 'Iraq' is also used to refer to the modern nation of Iraq.
Yorubaara ilu iraqi
The Yoruba word "Ara ilu Iraqi" does not have any alternative meanings or an etymology linked to "Iraqi". It literally means "people of the desert" and is used to refer to people from countries in the MENA region, including Iraq.
In Zulu, "I-Iraq" means "the one from Iraq" and can also refer to "a person from Iraq".
Bambarairakikaw ka
Eweiraqgbe me tɔ
Lingalamoto ya irak
Lugandaow’e iraq
Twi (Akan)iraqfo kasa

Iraqi in North African & Middle Eastern Languages

The word 'عراقي' can also refer to people from Iraq or things related to Iraq, such as the Iraqi language or culture.
The word "עִירַאקִי" (Iraqi) is derived from the name of the ancient region of Iraq, formerly known as Mesopotamia.
The word "عراقي" is a Pashto word that can also mean "a person from the city of Herat in Afghanistan."
The word 'عراقي' can also refer to people from Iraq or things related to Iraq, such as the Iraqi language or culture.

Iraqi in Western European Languages

The Albanian word "Irakian" is also used to refer to people from the region of Iraq in Iran.
The word 'Irakiarra' is derived from the Arabic word 'Iraq', meaning 'land of the rivers'.
U hrvatskom jeziku riječ 'irački' može označavati i nešto što je 'bijedno' ili 'jadno'.
Irakere er et spansk ord som betyr 'vred', 'sint'.
In Dutch, the word "Irakees" can refer to a native or inhabitant of Iraq or to a person of Iraqi descent.
The demonym "Iraqi" can also refer to a person or thing originating from the Iraqi city of Al-Iraq or from a region called "Irak" in Yemen.
Le terme "irakien" peut aussi désigner un cheval de course de pure race arabe.
The word "Iraaksk" means "someone or something from Iran" in some dialects of Frisian.
The word "irakisch" in German can also refer to someone or something related to the ancient Babylonian goddess Ishtar.
Írakar, when used without the definite article, can also mean "chaos".
In Irish, the word "Iaráic" can also mean "related to the Persian province of Yazd".
The word "iracheno" is derived from the Arabic word "'iraq", which means "coastal land" or "land between rivers."
The word 'Iraqi' in Maltese also refers to people from Iraq.
In Norwegian, the word "Irakere" primarily refers to the inhabitants of Iraq, but it can also be used as a collective noun for Iraqis living abroad.
Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil)iraquiano
O nome 'iraquiano' vem de 'Irāq', que originalmente se referia à cidade de Bagdá, e não ao país.
Scots Gaeliciorac
The Scots Gaelic term "Iorac" can also refer to someone from Ireland or an Irish person.
«Iraquí» se puede referir a una persona nacida en Irak o a algo relacionado con ese país, pero también a alguien o algo colérico o furioso.
Iraks folk kallas på arabiska för 'al-ʿIrāqīyūn'.
The name 'Irac' is thought to have originated from the Welsh word 'Yr Arog' meaning 'The East'

Iraqi in Eastern European Languages

Bosnian word "Irački" can also mean "ancient" or "antediluvian".
The word "Иракски" can also refer to something that is related to Iraq, such as Iraqi culture or Iraqi history.
Slovo "irácký" kromě významu "pocházející z Iráku" může znamenat také "podezřelý".
Iraaklane on araabia keele sõna "إعرافي" (a‘rāfī) eesti keelde võetud vorm.
The word "Irakilainen" is also used to refer to someone from Kurdistan, a region that is divided between Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey.
The word "iraki" ("Iraqi") in Hungarian can also mean "irritable" or "choleric".
Irākietis var būt arī cilvēks, kam ir saistība ar Irānu (piemēram, irāniešu valodas pratējs)
Etymology and alternate meanings of the word “Irako”
The word "Ирачки" can also refer to a type of traditional Macedonian shoe.
Iracki can also refer to a kind of Polish dance popular in the 19th and 20th centuries.
In Romanian, "Irakian" also has the additional, non-standard, colloquial archaic meaning of "an old and trusted friend", with the plural "Irakieni" used to refer to a group of old friends.
'Ирак' переводится как 'Irāk', что по-арабски означает ‘берег, край'. Термин 'Irāk' использовался для территорий по нижнему течению Тигра и Евфрата, а также побережья Персидского залива.
The word "Ирачка" can also refer to a female Iraqi person.
Slovo „Irackej“ je v slovenčine prídavné meno utvorené od podstatného mena „Irak“. Pochádza z pôvodného arabského „al-Irāq“ (الأرض السواد), ktoré znamená „čierna zem“, čo odkazuje na úrodnú pôdu Mezopotámie.
The form "Iraški" (English: Iraqi) is used as an alternative to the standard "Iraški".
"Іракський" походить від арабської назви Іраку "العراق" (al-ʿIrāq), яка означає "берег" або "край".

Iraqi in South Asian Languages

ইরাকি শব্দটির অর্থ কেবলমাত্র ইরাকের বাসিন্দা নয়, এটি ইরাকের ভাষা, সংস্কৃতি এবং ঐতিহ্যকেও নির্দেশ করে।
The word 'इराक' is derived from the Persian word 'عراق', which means 'shallow water' and refers to the marshy lowlands of southern Mesopotamia.
The word 'इराकी' can also mean 'belonging to or associated with the planet Uranus' in Nepali.
Sinhala (Sinhalese)ඉරාකය
The word "ஈராக்" (Iraqi) in Tamil means "Iraq" and is cognate with the Arabic word "عراق" (Iraq).
The word "عراقی" can also mean "an inhabitant of the city of Agra" or "a kind of song or dance" in Urdu.

Iraqi in East Asian Languages

Chinese (Simplified)伊拉克人
Chinese (Traditional)伊拉克人
「イラク」は、アラビア語で「肥沃な土地」を意味する「الْعِرَاق (al-ʿirāq)」に由来し、「メソポタミア(二つの川の間の土地)」を指す。
The term 사람 (Iraqi) is also used to refer to a specific group of people from the Middle East.
In Mongolian, the word "Ирак" can also refer to a type of wooden box used for storing valuable items.
Myanmar (Burmese)အီရတ်
The word "အီရတ်" in Myanmar language is derived from "عراقي" in Arabic language and refers to a person from Iraq.

Iraqi in South East Asian Languages

Di dalam bahasa Arab, kata Irak berarti sebuah tepian atau pagar.
"Irak" juga bisa berarti "kotor" atau "jorok" dalam bahasa Jawa.
Malayorang iraq
"Orang Iraq" literally means "orang" (human) from "Iraq" (Iraq).
คำว่า 'อิรัก' มีรากศัพท์มาจากภาษาอาหรับ 'Iraq' แปลว่า 'ชายฝั่ง'
Vietnamesengười iraq
Người Iraq trong tiếng Việt còn được viết thành người Irác hay người Y-rắc.
Filipino (Tagalog)iraqi

Iraqi in Central Asian Languages

In Azerbaijani,
The word "Ирак" also means "Iran" in Kazakh.
In Kyrgyz, "Ирактык" ("Iraqi") can also refer to someone from Iraq or something related to Iraq.
In Uzbek, "Iroq" can also mean "brave" or "courageous".

Iraqi in Pacific Languages

ʻIraka, the Hawaiian name for someone or something Iraqi, can also refer to an Arab or Muslim in general.
The word "Iraqi" has no direct translation or alternate meanings in Maori.
In Iraq it is commonly pronounced "Iraqee".
Tagalog (Filipino)iraqi

Iraqi in American Indigenous Languages

Aymarairak markankir jaqinakawa
Guaraniirak rehegua

Iraqi in International Languages

"Iraq" comes from the Arabic "al-ʿIrāq" which means "shore" or "bank" in reference to the riverbanks of the Tigris and Euphrates.

Iraqi in Others Languages

The word ιρακικός comes from the Arabic 'irāq, which means "shore" or "bank", referring to the region's location on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
The word
The Kurdish word "Iraqî" can also refer to a type of traditional clothing worn by women in Iraqi Kurdistan.
In Turkish, "Irak" can also refer to a type of leather, or to a leather strap used for horses.
The name 'Iraqi' in Xhosa may have been a borrowing from Arabic via the Ottoman Turks, as the name 'Iraq' is also used to refer to the modern nation of Iraq.
The word "Iraqi" in Yiddish can also refer to a type of Jewish spice mix.
In Zulu, "I-Iraq" means "the one from Iraq" and can also refer to "a person from Iraq".
Aymarairak markankir jaqinakawa
Bhojpuriइराकी के बा
Filipino (Tagalog)iraqi
Guaraniirak rehegua
Ilocanoirak nga irak
Krioirak pipul dɛn
Kurdish (Sorani)عێراقی
Meiteilon (Manipuri)ꯏꯔꯥꯀꯀꯤ ꯑꯦꯝ
Mizoiraq mi a ni
Odia (Oriya)ଇରାକୀ
Quechuairaq simipi

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