Mexican in different languages

Mexican in Different Languages

Discover 'Mexican' in 134 Languages: Dive into Translations, Hear Pronunciations, and Uncover Cultural Insights.

Updated on March 6, 2024

The word Mexican is one that carries a rich tapestry of culture, history, and tradition. For many, it brings to mind images of vibrant festivals, mouth-watering cuisine, and ancient civilizations. But did you know that the term 'Mexican' is not only used to describe people, things, or ideas related to Mexico, but it also has fascinating translations in various languages?

Understanding these translations can open up a world of cultural exchange and appreciation. For instance, in Spanish, the official language of Mexico, 'Mexican' translates to 'Mexicano'. In French, it's 'Mexicain', and in German, it's 'Mexikaner'. Each of these translations offers a unique perspective on the global understanding and perception of Mexican culture.

So, whether you're a language enthusiast, a cultural explorer, or simply curious, delving into the translations of 'Mexican' is a journey worth embarking on. Here, we explore these translations and more, providing a global context to this significant and culturally important word.


Mexican in Sub-Saharan African Languages

The word "Mexikaans" in Afrikaans can also refer to the indigenous pre-Columbian peoples of Mexico, especially the Aztecs.
In Amharic, "ሜክሲኮ" primarily means "Mexican," but it can also refer to someone who is crafty or cunning.
In Hausa, "Mezikowa" can refer to both Mexicans and people from the state of Mezcala, Mexico.
Igboonye mexico
Igbo word onye Mexico ('Mexican') also refers to a certain species of grass that grows wild near rivers in Igboland.
Nyanja (Chichewa)chaku mexico
In Nyanja, "Chaku Mexico" can also refer to people of mixed Mexican and Native American ancestry.
Somalireer mexico
The term "Reer Mexico" in Somali is also used to refer to people of Arab descent in Mexico.
The Swahili word "Meksiko" can also refer to the capital city of Mexico.
Though 'umXesi' or 'uMzika' would have been more semantically correct, 'waseMexico', the Xhosa equivalent of 'Mxican' (the Spanish pronunciation for Mexican) was chosen by the South African government back in the 1800s to refer to Mexican citizens, which then ended up being applied to all Spanish speakers regardless of origin.
Yorubaara mexico
"Ara Mexico" means "one who comes from Mexico" but it can also mean "a big parrot" or "a person who talks a lot".
The Zulu word "I-Mexican" can also be used to mean "a foreigner".
Bambaramɛkisikikaw ka
Kinyarwandaumunya mexico
Lingalamoto ya mexique
Twi (Akan)mexicofo de

Mexican in North African & Middle Eastern Languages

يشير مصطلح "مكسيكي" في اللغة العربية أيضا إلى نوع من العملات المعدنية العثمانية التي كانت تستخدم في القرن التاسع عشر.
מֶקסִיקָני is derived from the Aztec word 'mexhica,' meaning 'in the center of.'
In Pashto, the word "میکسیکن" can also refer to a type of spicy dish.
يشير مصطلح "مكسيكي" في اللغة العربية أيضا إلى نوع من العملات المعدنية العثمانية التي كانت تستخدم في القرن التاسع عشر.

Mexican in Western European Languages

In Albanian, "Meksikan" can also refer to a type of small, round pastry filled with meat or cheese.
The Basque word "Mexikarra" has been used to refer to both Mexicans and people from Mexica (Mexico City).
The word "meksički" in Croatian can also refer to objects or people from the Mexican state of Tabasco.
Mexicansk in Danish derives from the name 'Mexico', which comes from Nahuatl and means 'place where the Maguey (a type of cactus) is found'.
The word "Mexicaans" in Dutch can also refer to the indigenous people of Mexico, the Mexica or Aztecs.
In New Mexico, “Mexican” can also refer to Hispanics and Native American people who live in the northern part of the state.
In French, the word "mexicain" can also mean "bright red" or "garish".
It is not a very common word in the Frisian language, and is only used to refer to people from Mexico.
En galego, "mex{i}cano" pode significar "natural de México" ou "de baixa qualidade"
The term "Mexikaner" is used in Austria, Southern Germany and Switzerland to describe dishes using corn or kidney beans.
Mexíkóskur can refer to a person, thing, or concept associated with Mexico, or Mexican culture or cuisine.
The word "Mheicsiceo" in Irish is derived from the Spanish "mexicano", which in turn comes from the Nahuatl word "Mēxihcah".
In Italian, the word “messicano” can also refer to a type of hat or a kind of fabric.
The Luxembourgish word "Mexikanesch" can also refer to a type of fabric, a type of dance, or a style of music.
The word "Messikan" in Maltese, besides meaning "Mexican", can also refer to someone who is cunning or deceitful.
The term "Meksikansk" can also refer to a spicy dish served with minced meat and tortilla chips.
Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil)mexicano
"Mexicano" no português pode se referir a um morador do México ou a um habitante do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no Brasil, conhecido como gaúcho.
Scots Gaelicmheicsiceo
Mheicsiceo is a Scots Gaelic exonym for Mexican, derived from the Spanish "Mexicano".
The word "mexicano" can also mean "person from Mexico City"
Ordet "Mexikansk" används även i svenskan för att beskriva något som är färgstarkt, livligt eller exotiskt.
The word "Mecsicanaidd" in Welsh also means "Mexican food".

Mexican in Eastern European Languages

Meksički additionally means a brand of canned meat in Bosnia and Herzegovina, similar to SPAM.
В българския език думата "мексикански" има и значението на "много пикантен"
The word "Mexické" in Czech can also refer to a dish made with fried bread dumplings and tomato sauce.
"Mehhikost pärit" tähendab ka lihtsat ja tagasihoidlikku olustikku.
The Finnish term 'meksikolainen' can also refer to a mixed drink with tomato juice, lemon juice, and a dash of salt
A "mexikói" szó eredetileg a maja eredetű "mexi" szóból származik, amely egyfajta gyümölcslére utal.
“Meksikāņu” var attiekties gan uz meksikāņiem, gan uz indiāņu tautu, kas dzīvo Meksikas centrālajā daļā.
The word "Meksikietis" also derives from the Nahuatl word "Mexica", meaning "people of Mexico".
The word "Мексиканец" in Macedonian, as in many other Slavic languages, has a secondary meaning of "thief".
The word "Meksykański" can also refer to the Mexican peso or the Mexican cuisine.
Romanian "mexican" can also mean "a type of tortilla"}
Слово "Мексиканский" в русском языке также используется в переносном смысле для обозначения чего-то острого или пряного.
U Beogradskom žargonu, 'Meksički' takođe može da znači osobe koje jedu puno slastica ili slatkiša.
Slovo "Mexická" v slovenčine je aj názov pre obľúbenú odrodu sliviek z Maďarska.
V slovenščini se pridevnik mehiški včasih uporablja tudi v pomenu 'ostre' ali 'pikantne'.
"Мексиканський" також вживається в значенні "гострий"

Mexican in South Asian Languages

The word "মেক্সিকান" can also mean "a person from Mexico" or "a native of Mexico".
The word 'मैक्सिकन' ('Mexican') in Hindi can also refer to a type of sweet dish made with maida (refined wheat flour), sugar, and ghee.
The word "ಮೆಕ್ಸಿಕನ್" can also refer to people from Mexico or things related to Mexican culture.
মেক্সিকান বলতে কেবল মেক্সিকোর নাগরিকদেরই বোঝায় না, স্প্যানিশ ভাষী বৃহত্তর ল্যাটিন আমেরিকান জনগোষ্ঠীকেও বোঝায়।
The word
The word "मेक्सिकन" can also be used to refer to someone or something from the Mexican state of Oaxaca, or to a type of dance originating from that state.
Sinhala (Sinhalese)මෙක්සිකානු
The word "மெக்சிகன்" ("Mexican") is derived from the Spanish word "méxico", which itself comes from the Nahuatl word "mēxihco", meaning "in the navel of the moon".
దేశంత్ దేశంత్ మేకసికೋ దేశక్‌ప్పూర్, మిక్సికీ దేశక్‌సిక్సికీ ఆంత్రియాల్ ఆమరికూ ఆద్దూచుతున్‌న లేక్‌వుడరు.
The word مكسیکن can also mean a type of dance or a type of food.

Mexican in East Asian Languages

Chinese (Simplified)墨西哥菜
Chinese (Traditional)墨西哥菜
墨西哥菜的中文名「墨西哥菜」源自墨西哥共和國(Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos)的英語國名「Mexico」的音譯,但並非指墨西哥菜餚,而是指墨西哥人或事物。
The word "メキシコ人" can also colloquially refer to people of a certain personality type, not necessarily with relation to nationality.
Korean멕시코 인
"멕시코 인"은 음식이나 사람을 의미할 수 있으며, 긍정적이든 부정적이든 다양한 의미를 가질 수 있습니다.
Термин Мексик /mexik/ заимствован из русского языка; в монгольском языке слово имеет другое значение, а именно "один из видов ткани".
Myanmar (Burmese)မက္ကဆီကန်
The word "Mexican" in Burmese can be used for both the Spanish language and people of Mexican descent.

Mexican in South East Asian Languages

Kata Meksiko kemungkinan berasal dari kata Aztec "Mēxihcah" yang berarti "orang dari Mēxihco" atau "orang Mēxihco".
In Javanese, "Meksiko" can also refer to "children's toys" or "tricycles".
คำว่า "ເມັກຊິໂກ" (Mexican) นั้นยังหมายถึงผลไม้ชนิดหนึ่งในภาษาไทยอีกด้วย
Malayorang mexico
"Orang Mexico" literally translates to "Orange people" in Malay, likely arising from the erroneous belief that all of Mexico's inhabitants had orange skin.
คำว่า "เม็กซิกัน" ในภาษาไทยนอกจากจะแปลว่า "สัญชาติของประเทศเม็กซิโก" แล้ว ยังหมายถึง "อาหารสไตล์เม็กซิกัน" ด้วย
Vietnamesengười mexico
Từ "Người Mexico" trong tiếng Việt xuất phát từ một từ tiếng Trung, ám chỉ người Tây Ban Nha.
Filipino (Tagalog)mexican

Mexican in Central Asian Languages

In Azerbaijani, "Meksika" also means "a place where people eat maize/corn."
The word "Meksikalik" is derived from the Uzbek word "meks" meaning "silk" and the Persian suffix "-lik" meaning "place", thus "Meksikalik" originally meant "place of silk".

Mexican in Pacific Languages

In Hawaiian, the word “Mekiko” can also mean “mestizo” or “of mixed-race ancestry”.
In Maori, "Mehiko" also refers to a plant known as the "Mexican daisy" or "Mexican sunflower".
Mekisiko in Samoan also refers to a type of colorful cotton fabric, particularly with floral prints.
Tagalog (Filipino)mehikano
The Tagalog word “Mehikano” originated from the Nahuatl word “Mexicano,” which referred to the Aztec people.

Mexican in American Indigenous Languages

Aymaramexico markankir jaqinaka
Guaranimexicano rehegua

Mexican in International Languages

The term "Mexicanus" was also used to refer to a type of coin minted in Mexico during the colonial period, known as the "Mexican dollar" or "peso fuerte."

Mexican in Others Languages

The word "μεξικάνικος" (Mexican) in Greek derives from the Nahuatl word "Mexihco", meaning "place of the god Mexitli".
Hmongneeg mev
Neeg Mev (Mexican) in Hmong also means "people who speak Spanish" or "Spanish-speaking people".
Meksikalı ayrıca 'Mısırlı' anlamında da kullanılıyor.
Though 'umXesi' or 'uMzika' would have been more semantically correct, 'waseMexico', the Xhosa equivalent of 'Mxican' (the Spanish pronunciation for Mexican) was chosen by the South African government back in the 1800s to refer to Mexican citizens, which then ended up being applied to all Spanish speakers regardless of origin.
In Yiddish, "מעקסיקאַן" can also refer to a "swindler" or "cheat"
The Zulu word "I-Mexican" can also be used to mean "a foreigner".
Aymaramexico markankir jaqinaka
Bhojpuriमैक्सिकन के बा
Filipino (Tagalog)mexican
Guaranimexicano rehegua
Ilocanomehikano nga
Kriomɛksiko pipul dɛn
Kurdish (Sorani)مەکسیکی
Meiteilon (Manipuri)ꯃꯦꯛꯁꯤꯀꯥꯟ ꯑꯣꯏꯕꯥ꯫
Mizomexican mi a ni
Oromolammii meeksikoo
Odia (Oriya)ମେକ୍ସିକାନ୍

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